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The Power Within!

by Charlie Rogers

The Holy Spirit, who Jesus sent as your Helper, is the Power you have on the inside of you to guide you, so you don’t have to depend on what man says as absolute truth. You don't have to be deceived by any preacher. You don't have to be deceived by any false doctrine. You don't have to be deceived by any other group any longer.

You have this Power, this Spirit of truth abiding on the inside of you, that no longer do you have to put up with false doctrine, in fact you are responsible for finding out whether it is false or not. There is just one problem; we have to give Him that authority. We have to give Him that freedom. We have to give Him that go ahead to begin to operate in our lives.

You are not going to be able to use the Word of God unless you use what God gave you to use the Word of God with, your mouth. "Well Brother Rogers, can't I just think in tongues?" I've had them to say that. I mean what kind of an answer do you give to a question like that? No you can't!! God gave us a mouth to speak the Word of God. He gave us a mouth that when ever we got filled with the Holy Spirit, that evidence of the in-filling would be to speak in other tongues just like those that were gathered in the upper room.

When we begin to speak in those other tongues, we begin to speak down the plan of God upon our life. For he who speaks in an unknown tongue speaks unto God, as in fellowship with Him. This allows and opens up the Holy Spirit to begin to move and do things in our lives. Yes, He will bring the power that will not only set you free, and your family free, but others around you as well. He is the power source, but at the same time He is also the transformer.

He is the One that will begin to change your life. He will change you from someone that denies Christ three times, into a preacher full of the Holy Ghost that gets Jews saved. Glory to God!! The power of the Holy Spirit, the One that will teach you and guide you into all truth. You don't have to be deceived any longer. You don't have to put your dependency on man's doctrine, and tradition, and organizations.

You can have that relationship with the Holy Spirit. But there is just one thing. You have got to begin to take time out now. Make a quality decision that you don't like your life the way it is, and that you're going to offer it over to the Holy Spirit and begin to speak those other tongues for a period of an hour or two a day. You begin to turn yourself over because you don't like it where you are at. You don't like who you are. You don't like those circumstances controlling your life. So you have got to begin to give Him the authority to work in your life and not be moved by what you see, hear, or feel.

The fact is God sent the Holy Spirit to change our lives and set us free. He is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him. When you don't know how to pray as you ought, you can pray in those little soft tongues. "You mean to say I don't have to shout it out like I am shouting at the devil?" Why would you shout at the devil in tongues? He can't understand them. It is a prayer language from heaven. "So I don't have to shout?" No, just begin to speak them out.

As we start to pray in tongues over those weaknesses, and infirm things in our lives, we release the Holy Spirit to do some work in us, and those infirm things have to solid up and line up with the Word of God because we chose to pray in other tongues. Now there will be times we will come up against those things that we have had in our life forever and it is going to take some standing because the enemy still wants to use those things against you, and to lead you around without God's plan being fulfilled in your life.

You will be like Brother Hagin when the Lord told him that most people go to heaven and never even come close to beginning the plan of God for their life. But I have news for you! You don't have to settle for a little bit of God in your life. You can stop right now and begin to take the time to pray in other tongues.

You can start praying down the plan of God for your life. Begin to let the Holy Spirit work on your life. Begin to teach that born again spirit. Begin to bring it forth having dominion over your soul, having dominion over your flesh. So no longer will your flesh lead you around. No longer will your soul or emotions lead you around. That born again spirit, the connection with God will start to come forth.

You can make a decision to go farther in God just because you want to. You don't have to do it the way others you have seen in the past do it. You can make a decision to develop a personal relationship with God. You need to focus on God instead of what you don't have. You need to focus on the Source. Who is your source? Your pastor? Your evangelist? Your teacher? Is it God?

I thank God for the day that I was born again and the night that I was filled with the Holy Ghost in that Assembly of God church. But I really thank God for the day that I got the message and revelation of what praying in tongues would do as I turned myself over to the Holy Spirit. You see, I didn't have a bunch of people when I started in the ministry that I could rub shoulders with. I didn't have a bunch of piled up invitations on my desk from pastors wanting a healing evangelist in their church. I wasn't raised up in any certain denomination or any certain movement. I was born again, filled with the Holy Ghost right out of a sinful world. Thank God I didn't have a bunch of religion to change, but I had plenty of other things.

I haven't arrived, but I will tell you what I know. I know the trip, and no devil in hell is going to get in my way. Neither is any other believer with a devil. I know what has gotten me to the point I am at right now. Am I satisfied? No! No! Even when 1500 souls are saved in Peru I go away saddened in my heart because I knew some wheel chairs did not get emptied. I know the trip that I discovered in 1985. I am happy about it. No man writes my ticket.

Now there have been some tough times, but even in those tough times it was worth it because I knew what God was doing in me. I wouldn't trade my relationship with Him for anything. There is nothing I would trade Him for. There is nothing I would trade for the principles that He has illuminated in me that will help get me to that place that He has planned for me. I wouldn't trade anything for those principles that I know I can put into action in my life that will increase the anointing and cause people to be delivered out of those chains of darkness and out of those wheel chairs.

"Well, I don't know whether that really concerns me to much Brother Rogers." Maybe you're not one of those parents that has a child in a wheel chair. By the way what would you do? Could I depend on you if I was in a wheel chair or had a disease I couldn't get rid of? Could I depend on you to give up your life enough to get into fellowship with the Holy Spirit to get me out of that wheel chair? That is a tough challenge. I wouldn't trade anything for this trip that He has led me on.

I can not force you into anything. I can not offer you any sweet programs, any nice little programs that you can bring your relatives to. I can't do that. If you will bring your relatives that are in a wheel chair, I will do everything to let God flow through this vessel and get them out.

All I can do is offer myself as a vessel for the Teacher to flow through, for the Exhorter to flow through to change your life as much as He can. To present the message that I know to present to the extent that I can present it, to be able to communicate it effectively enough to get inside your heart. That is all I can do. I can't force you. But I will tell you this, those that want to go along with me, I will give everything that He has given me in every way that I can.

If you want to go into God, if you want to take this trip into God, I'll take you with me. That is how I feel about it. We are at a serious point here. Some of you are having trouble making a decision because of the teaching that you have had in the past and I am not quite lining up with the teaching. You can hang around and see the fruit or go your own way. You'll do what you want to do. You'll do what's in your heart. But as for myself, I'm turning my whole life over to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Through His impact upon my born again nature no traps of Satan will prosper in my life, ever!



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